Take the Leap

iStock_000052195802_SmallEach new journey begins with one big first step – a leap of faith.

As a successful business owner, your path has likely consisted of several varying leaps. After all, hard work and planning have played an important role in your business success. Now you are ready to take that success and apply it to personal goals. Take a step back, reflect, and pursue your other interests.

This is where Focus Four Ltd. can help. This executive training program takes business owners and entrepreneurs and gives them the processes and tools necessary to develop a strategic plan for life. The end results are participants who are able to focus their time, energy, and creativity on creating new growth opportunities for their business while avoiding the distractions of daily details and administration.

The three-year program consists of 10-15 motivated, successful business owners who meet for eight to 10 hours each quarter. The group collaborates to work on understanding their business, proper goal setting, clarification of goals, and developing a 90-day strategic plan. At the end of each quarter, the group reassembles to review their progress, learn new tools and processes, and develop new habits for success.

Focus Four is built on the following principles:

– Balance: You will get the tools and learn the skills to achieve balance between your personal and professional life.
– Focus: Clarify what you want to accomplish, develop a path to your desired results, and learn the structure to stay focused.
– Habits: Develop new and effective habits for success.
– Accountability: Learn how to take responsibility for your business, your clients, and your staff.

Are you ready to take a leap of faith? For more information on Focus Four or to sign up, visit Focus Four.


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Brent Dees Financial Planning